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Cheat Sheet!

When developing, these commands may come in handy:

Terminal commands

Argument Description
sudo ss -lptn 'sport = :<port>' List the processes running on port <port>.
sudo kill -9 <pid> Kill the process with with id <pid>

Poetry Commands

Argument Description
poetry install Install project dependencies
poetry shell Activate the virtual environment
poetry add <package-name> Add a new dependency to Poetry
poetry add --group dev <package-name> Add a new developer dependency to Poetry
poetry show List all available dependencies with descriptions
pre-commit run --all-files Run the Linter & Formatter

Mkdocs Commands

Argument Description
mkdocs serve Creates dev-server that lets your preview the docs as you change them.

Make Commands

Argument Description
make install Install dependencies and activates the virtual environment.
make run Runs
make run_docker Runs docker compose up -d
make test Runs pytest
make test_docker Runs pytest on Docker
make output_coverage Outputs the coverage of the tests
make send_email Runs
make lint Runs the ruff linter
make format Runs the ruff formatter
make clean Cleans up files generated during testing (.coverage, pytest_cache, etc.)


Argument Description
git clone <repo URL> Clones git repository to your local machine
git add <file> Adds file to your next commit
git commit -m <message> Commit your staged content (from git add <file>)
git push Pushes local changes to remote repo branch
git status Shows modified files
git branch Shows the branches
git checkout -b <branch> Creates a new branch, branch, and switches into it
git branch -d <branch> Delete a local branch
git push -u origin <branch-name> Pushes a local branch to the upstream remote repo
git log --branches --not --remotes View commits that have not yet been pushed
git fetch origin pull/ID/head:BRANCH_NAME Checking out a PR branch with ID and BRANCH_NAME